Time for round 2 of Artful Penpals! It has been exactly a year since I did this and it was fun. I think there were just over 50 writers! Almost everybody got a letter. Sometimes things do happen and best intentions go awry so I am sorry for those who did not get one. Once I send off the info to the scribes, it is out of my hands.
I had written a post last year about the joy of the written word and how precious it is to hold a lovely letter in your hand. Exciting to go to your post box and discover a personal treasure just for you, waiting to be opened. I was surprised at how many people felt the same way and longed for that personal touch. So I thought I would facilitate a small, return to the handwritten letter ...."festival"!
To participate, all you have to do is send
one letter,
the kind of letter you would like to receive, to your penpal and they will do the same in kind. Lovely stationery, big bulky, slender elegant, something enclosed, it is up to you. I will match you with a writing partner. You don't need to have a blog to sign on. I will add your name/blog to the side bar once you have signed up:)
Now, here's what you have to do.....
Send an email to me here: artfulpenpals AT gmail.comand please tell me......
correct mailing address and an email where I can reach you easily.
2.Your blog address if you have one which I will post on the sidebar if you are participating.
3.Tell me if you are willing to send a letter anywhere in the world or just North America or Europe etc.
*IMPORTANT* Let me know about yourself so I will have an easier time of matching you with your perfect penpal, hobbies, crafts, books, foods, movies, children, goals, dreams etc:)
As much as you can. It is hard to match somebody up with someone who says "I like to write letters." It will make your experience more fulfilling and make it easier for me to make a match. You will be writing to the person I match you with and they to you. I will send the info you email me about yourself to to your partner.
5.Registration is open until
June 14th After the 14th of June I will then send each of you an email with your partner's address and some details and away you go!! Letters should be mailed to your partners by June 28th at the very latest. That gives you two weeks:)
Feel free to pass this on:) You can grab the wee sidebar badge if you want .
Shelagh Duffett